Using scripts to modify request messages
You can use pm.request
to read or modify request messages.
- You can use scripts to get all request parameters, but you can only use scripts to modify header and query parameters.
- Modifying header and query parameters are only valid in preprocessor scripts, not in postprocessor scripts.
- Using scripts to get API parameters: if the parameter contains a variable, it will not be replaced with the corresponding value. You need to use the pm.variables.replaceIn to get the actual value.
// pm.variables.replaceIn: handling variables in parameters
var body = pm.variables.replaceIn(pm.request.body.raw);
var jsonData = JSON.parse(body);
In Apidog pre processors, there is a Built-In preprocessor named Variable Substitution
, which replaces all variables (including dynamic variables) in the request with the actual value.
- Scripts like set variable need to be placed before Variable Substitution so that the variable can be set successfully.
- Scripts like API signature need to be dragged after Variable Substitution to get actual values of the parameters.
URL related information
// Get an url object.
var urlObj = pm.request.url;
// Get the full url of the API request
var url = urlObj.toString();
// Get protocols (http or https).
var protocol = urlObj.protocol;
// Get the port.
var port = urlObj.port;
Header parameters
Get header parameters
// Get header parameters.
var headers = pm.request.headers;
// Get the value of the field1 key from the header.
var field1 = headers.get("field1");
// Get all header parameters as key-value objects.
var headersObject = headers.toObject();
// Iterate over the entire header.
headers.each((item) => {
console.log(item.key); // log the item key
console.log(item.value); // log the item value
Modifying Header Parameters
// Get header parameters.
var headers = pm.request.headers;
// Add a header parameter.
key: "field1",
value: "value1",
// Modify a header parameter (add a header parameter if it does not exist).
key: "field2",
value: "value2",
Query parameters
Get query parameters
// Get query parameters.
var queryParams = pm.request.url.query;
// Get the value of the field1 key from the header.
var field1 = queryParams.get("field1");
// Get all header parameters as key-value objects.
var quertParamsObject = queryParams.toObject();
// Iterate over the entire header.
queryParams.each((item) => {
console.log(item.key); // log the item key
console.log(item.value); // log the item value
Modifying Query Parameters
// Get a query parameter.
var queryParams = pm.request.url.query;
// Add a query parameter.
key: "field1",
value: "value1",
// Modify a query parameter (add a query parameter if it does not exist).
key: "field2",
value: "value2",
Body parameters
Body parameters come from pm.request.body
which is a RequestBody instance.
View more details here.
:::tip TIP
- We recommend referencing variables in the Body to modify body data. You can modify the value of the corresponding variable in preprocessor scripts.
- We support direct modification of body parameters in Apidog version 1.4.16 or higher. See example of how to use it below:
var body = pm.request.body.toJSON();
console.log("body object", body);
var bodyStr = body.raw;
console.log("body string", bodyStr);
var bodyJSON = JSON.parse(bodyStr); = 100;
pm.request.body.update(JSON.stringify(bodyJSON, null, 2));
console.log("Modified body", pm.request.body.toJSON());
1. Body Type: form-data
Get form-data info.
// When body is form-data, use pm.request.body.formdata to get request parameters.
var formData = pm.request.body.formdata;
// Get the value of the field1 key from the header.
var field1 = formData.get("field1");
console.log(field1); // log field 1
// Get all header parameters as key-value objects.
var formdataObject = formData.toObject();
console.log(formdataObject); // log formdataObject
// Iterate over form-data.
formData.each((item) => {
console.log(item.key); // log the item key
console.log(item.value); // log the item value
2. Body Type: x-www-form-urlencode
Get x-www-form-urlencode info.
// When body is x-www-form-urlencode, use pm.request.body.urlencoded to get request parameters.
var formData = pm.request.body.urlencoded;
// Get the value of the field1 key from the header.
var field1 = formData.get("field1");
// Get all header parameters as key-value objects.
var formdataObject = formData.toObject();
// Iterate over form-data.
formData.each((item) => {
console.log(item.key); // log the item key
console.log(item.value); // log the item value
3. Body Type: JSON
Get JSON info.
// When body type is json, use pm.request.body.raw to get request parameters.
try {
var jsonData = JSON.parse(pm.request.body.raw);
console.log(jsonData); // log JSON data.
} catch (e) {
4. Body Type: raw
Get raw info.
// When body type is raw, use pm.request.body.raw to get request parameters.
var raw = pm.request.body.raw;
console.log(raw); // log raw data.
Last modified: 7 months ago