Authorization types supported by Apidog
Apidog offers various authentication methods for API requests. You can select an authentication type from the Type menu in the Authorization section of a request. Authentication can be applied at the request, collection, or folder level.
Inherit from parent
"Inherit from Parent" is the default Auth type in Apidog. When a request's auth type is set to "Inherit from Parent," it will inherit the auth from its parent folder, and continue inheriting up to the root folder.
No auth
If no authentication is required, Apidog won't include any authorization details. Simply choose "No Auth" from the Type dropdown in the Authorization tab for unauthenticated requests.
API key
For API key auth, you provide a key-value pair in either the request headers or query parameters. Select "API Key" from the Type options, enter your key name and value, and choose to add it to either Headers or Query Params. For enhanced security, consider storing values in variables.
Apidog will automatically append the necessary information to your request Headers or URL query string.
Bearer token
Bearer token auth, such as JSON Web Tokens (JWT), uses an access key in the request header. Choose "Bearer Token" from the Type list and input your API key in the Token field. For better security, use a variable to store and reference the token.
Apidog will add the token to the Authorization header in this format:
Bearer <Your API key>
For custom prefixes, utilize the API Key option with "Authorization" as the key.
JWT bearer
Apidog also supports JWT token generation. Select "JWT Bearer" from the Type options.
You can specify whether to add the token to the Request Header or Query Param, choose an algorithm (HS, RS, ES, or PS variants with SHA), and enter the necessary secret or private key. Input the payload data in JSON format.
Advanced settings allow you to configure header prefixes and custom headers.
Basic auth
Basic auth involves sending verified credentials with your request. Select "Basic Auth" from the Type menu and enter your API username and password. For added security, store these in variables.
Apidog will include an Authorization header with a Base64 encoded string of your credentials in this format:
Basic <Base64 encoded username and password>
Other authorization types
Apidog also support these authorizations: