The batch endpoint management feature offers a streamlined way to manage multiple endpoints simultaneously, saving time and enhancing efficiency.On the APIs module, you can access all endpoints within a particular directory and execute batch operations, such as bulk deletion and bulk movement.
To view all endpoints within the current project, click the Endpoints tab located under the Root Directory. To explore endpoints under a specific directory, select the respective directory.You can filter and sort the data table to suit your needs. It’s possible to apply multiple sorting criteria.The Endpoints tab features a search function that allows for locating endpoints by name or path.To delve into the details of the endpoint fields, click on the endpoint name or path.You can customize the Table Preview Settings to include custom fields.
Start by selecting the endpoints you wish to manage.You can then proceed with batch operations to suit your needs, including Bulk deletion, bulk modification of endpoint statuses, bulk addition and deletion of tags, bulk modification of responsible personnel, bulk export, and bulk movement of directories.
Q: How can I bulk delete folders?A: Currently, there is no option for bulk deleting folders. Each directory must be deleted individually.Q: How can I bulk add/remove prefixes to the path of endpoints?A: It is not possible to process path changes through bulk operations. You can export the file in Apidog format from settings, perform text-based batch find-and-replace, and then re-import the file back into Apidog.